News Update

Urgent message for members of Marine Gardens Bowling Club

(September 04, 2019)

Members of Marine Gardens Bowling Club, 

The proposal by the General Committee to take responsibility for the full management of Marine Gardens Bowling Club, including the maintenance and upkeep of the green, as negotiated with Worthing Borough Councils’ Head of Environmental Services, has been put on hold and the proposed SMG on Friday 6th September is therefore postponed.

I have been informed today by Steve McKenna, assistant Parks and Foreshore Manager that the report submitted by Andy Edwards, Head of Environmental Services, who has now left his position with Worthing Borough Council, is unavailable and nowhere to be found, the Service Line Agreement which was to be made available to the Club prior to the SGM on Friday, 6th September, is also not available which would have allowed me to explain in detail the terms of our proposed agreement with Worthing Borough Council. 

Both documents are now unlikely to be made available to the Club before the end of October or later, when a newly appointed Head of Environmental Services takes over at Worthing Borough Council, who may wish to amend or alter the agreement reached prior to his or her arrival. 

I am also informed that a ruling awaited on a complaint made by another Worthing bowling club may also have a bearing on our proposal to take on the full management of our Club. 

Our proposal is the first to be received by the Council and a step unknown to both parties, however, it has been very well received by the Council In principal and strongly recognised as the most positive way forward and in the best interests of the Club and the Council. 

Worthing Borough Council estimate the cost of each of Worthing’s bowling greens maintenance, is £17,000 per year, they are in fact unable to spend that amount, hence the current condition of our green and there is no hope of this improving in the future. 

It is with great sadness and profound frustration that we will have to put our proposal on hold until we are able to resume our negotiations with the Council, when the newly appointed Head of Environmental Services is available to meet with us. 

Norman Deegan. MBE.

Hon. Treasurer,

Marine Gardens Bowling Club.

Wednesday, 4th September 2019




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